Create Android App in Firebase Project
After creating a firebase project, in this project we can create several apps with different configuration, here we will create Hallo Doctor Client Android App.
Create Hallo Doctor Client Android App
- Click android icon
After that we are required to fill in three information about our app,
Package Name
,App Name
, andSH1 Key
first we need the package name of our app, to get the package name of our app
Get Package name
- in your Project Flutter
Hello Doctor Client
, which was already open using visual studio code, or Android Studio
make sure you've downloaded all the dependencies in this project, by running flutter pub get
we will change the default package name of this app to your package name, this will be very easy and fast because this project already uses
flutter package the command below, but first change
, to your package name
flutter pub run change_app_package_name:main com.mycompany.myappname
- if successful it will look like this
- so after that, the package name in your
Hello Doctor Client
app has all changed, and you can copy the package name to firebase - and add your App nickname
for debug signing, we can fill it later, just click register app
after that you have to download the
- and copy the file into your app project in the directory
if in that folder there is already a google-service.json
file change it to your file which you just downloaded,
and make sure there is no typo in the filename google-service.json
- after that click next in firebase,
- and click Continue to console
- congratulation your app is now registered
- but we need to enable some Firebase features for our app, like authentication, so we can login, continue to the next section